Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wanderlust or Fernweh

I'm happy traveling. Journeying some place new gives me inner peace. Sometimes definined as Wanderlust, a German word which translates to a "strong desire for or impulse to wander," or in the modern definition, meaning "to travel and to explore the world." Wikipedia suggests a "more contemporary equivalent word" would be "Fernweh." It's literally translated as "an ache for the distance" or "far-sickness."

Many years ago, my father gave me a sweatshirt that had these words on it -

"Lured by the thrill of adventure,
modern day wanderers such as I are
driven by an inexplicable
force to roam. Restless at heart
and curious of mind,
we ramble about, forever
in search of new lands that open our eyes to
strange sights and our minds to the ways
of the world. Wanderlust as we know
it, is not meant to be understood
but to be experienced."

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