Sunday, October 12, 2008

Garage Sales

Thursday evening, Christine called to ask if she could borrow a table for an impromptu, unadvertised yard sale. No problem, I said, but I'd like to sell some things, too. Two hours later, her husband had their garage cleaned out and ready to go. I chased down extra tables from both sides of town. Another gal decided to join us as she needed to raise money for her lawyer's retainer fees. (She recently received a ticket for going around a school bus parked in front of a school.)

Gathering items to sell was not a problem as I ususally store out-grown clothes together and I knew the items that absolutely needed to leave the playroom. I stayed up late pricing.

We didn't advertise as it was too late. Christine posted to Yahoo! Groups, Garage Sales. We garnered a little business from that. Our hours were 4-7 Friday and 7-10 Saturday.

We finally called a babysitter at last minute Friday. The three 3-year-olds needed more attention than we could give them.

Was the garage sale worth it? We found out Saturday there was a Monster Garage Sale downtown. I made enough money to cover my share of the pizzas we ordered to feed our hungry children, the babysitter and ourselves. I brought over three mini-van loads of stuff. I returned home with one and a half mini-van loads. The items I didn't sell are now in the basement, priced and waiting for my American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life team's garage sale next spring. I'm also shipping a box of summer clothes to my friend who moved to Hawaii. (Do you think I could ship myself?) It was also fun sitting and chatting with the other two gals. And the gal with the retainer fees made enough money to cover 98% of the fees!

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