Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Preschoolers Play Hide & Go Seek

Once they agree to play. Ian bossily tells Joe, "You will count first while I hide. But you must count to 83."

Joe is confused. He's never counted that high. Instead, Joe counts to 8.

"Ready or not, I'm coming to get you!" he shouts.

Ian, who has "hidden" himself in the soccer goal's netting, waits until he sees Joe crashing through the flower bed. Ian then runs around the yard at full speed while Joe chases him.

Then, by some miracle, they decide Joe will hide. Ian announces he will count to five.

Ian counts backwards from five while Joe scrambles to hide under the picnic table. When Ian finishes counting, he shouts, "I counted in reverse from five."

Joe shouts back, "well, it's time to find me."

Ian says, "Not now, I just counted in reverse from five." Ian then proceeds to count to five. Joe asks Ian if he's coming to find him yet. Again, Ian insists he again needs to count in reverse.

"Are you ready yet?" Joe impatiently asks.

At last, Ian is ready. He runs to find Joe.

Joe sees him coming and runs to his mother.

A safe place. No more tag. And no more hide and go seek.

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