Monday, July 21, 2008

iPod bites the dust

This week I mourned the loss of my 4th generation, 60GB iPod (AKA iPod with color display or the iPod with photo). My sister-in-law gave me a white nano for our Christmas gift exchange in 2005. I immediately upgraded to a black 60GB to compliment my husband's white 60GB.

What genius minds work at Apple! How wonderful to have one's music collection at one's fingertips - literally! It took many hours to load our CD collection onto the computer. Thank goodness Apple's technology forsaw the library sharing between a few iPod's. I don't think either one of us could have handled loading everything twice. That library grew as we accumulated more CD's and added songs from college and high school, albums and cassette tapes via iTunes. Our music library now has 8,055 songs on it - including holiday, children and classical music.

Music defines my life. Music is my love. To paraphrase Ewan McGregor's song in Moulin Rouge: "(Music) lifts us up where we belong, (music) is a many splendored thing, without (music) we are nothing."

What caused my iPod's demise? During our latest vacation, it laid under a damp napkin overnight in the Pacific Coastal Mexico's high humidity. The next morning it showed condensation on the screen. When I returned home, it took about 5 hours just to recharge the low battery. I reset and restored it twice - only to find we could no longer hear the music as it is playing; either with the headphones or the sound-dock station.

In its honor, I held an Irish Wake. For more information on that, check out this web-site: . Since my iPod doesn't drink, I thought something rich and sweet would honor it nicely: a bowl of Breyer's natural vanilla ice cream topped with melted chocolate chips. (Too bad I no longer have my music to get my exercise jumping as I'm going to need it after that!)

And now I'm eyeing a new updated iPod with movies.

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