Sunday, May 18, 2008

Full Moon, Empty Head

As we watched the moon rise tonight over the horizon (or in my case: the trees), my son and I gazed in awe at how large, full and bright it was. I trembled, because I knew then, as I now know: I am not sleeping tonight; although I am exhausted from too much fresh air and weekend fun. A girlfriend told me her energy levels wax and wane with the moon cycle. I laughed, as I agreed that I, too, have more energy when the moon is full. Only tonight I realized that it is only when the moon is full and the sky is clear. When it is cloudy, like it was last month, I slept. My bedroom is dark. My husband isn't snoring. Yet, I cannot sleep. Part of me relishes the extra time. Part of me moans knowing I'll have difficulty waking later this morning. But still, I do not sleep.

1 comment:

Alecia Merłowicz Morris said...

Okay, so I'm a complete stranger and I feel badly I'm your first comment but I was looking for others interested in genealogy as I'm going to be linking a genealogy blog to my main blog...ANYWAY, I'm not asleep either and my husband IS snoring and I found it funny that your's is not. Deffinitely not very quiet here. I find myself a bit irritated with him actually and am somewhat hoping the moon is responsible.

By the way, you have a GREAT writing voice. I only have three posts and while I'm journaling with the intent of blurbing my blog I really wish I could find my voice! Happy Blogging!!!