Monday, January 19, 2009

25 Random Things

Someone tagged me on Facebook. So I thought this would be fun to post here.

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1. I have two sisters and one brother. My mother has no granddaughters.
2. I went to three different junior high schools in two different states and three different towns.
3. My mother would punish me by taking away my books for the rest of the afternoon.
4. I love my husband. He makes me laugh. I'd be lost without him.
5. My first job was working in a Jewish bakery. I would visit with the Holocaust survivors when they came in for their morning bread.
6. My favorite phone question when I worked at the (Omaha) St Cecilia's Cathedral rectory was: "What time is midnight Mass?"
7. Our first child was born the day before our 10-year wedding anniversary.
8. I miss my grandparents who kept us together emotionally after my parents' divorce.
9. I love to travel and wish I could do it more.
10. I was the non-athletic one in the family. Now I can play tennis (somewhat).
11. I love Broadway shows, especially musicals.
12. "Les Miserables" is better than "Phantom of the Opera."
13. I have too many hobbies and not enough time.
14. I like reconnecting with old friends on Facebook. I also like meeting new friends.
15. I thoroughly enjoy being a member of Friends in Council, the oldest continuing women's literary society in the USA.
16. Remind me of #15 when it gets closer to writing and presenting my paper.
17. I played violin for 8 years and piano for 10 years. Now I have a hard time reading the bass cleft notes.
18. I need to say "No" more often; slow down and enjoy the moment more.
19. I worked in the district office of a state rep and state senator when they were the only downstate legislators in Illinois Leadership.
20. I think Belgian dark chocolate is the best vice. It used to be Diet Coke.
21. I often wonder what happened to my grade school friends from Lincoln Elementary in Fremont, Nebraska.
22. I was grounded from driving the car for a silly late curfew incident. The punishment started on my 16th birthday and lasted one month.
23. College taught me to show up, not procrastinate and meet the deadline. Then go enjoy a good party. That stated, I admit I detest meetings.
24. I love talking with my children and exploring the world through their eyes.
25. I definitely think life is too short to drink bad wine.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lazy weekend

We've had a lazy weekend. It started when my son came home early from school Friday with a low-grade fever. He's a little better now, but still not eating very much.

Anyway, tonight is a big deal night for Full Moons. Here's why: tonight's full moon will be the biggest one during 2009. According to, "Saturday night (Jan. 10) the moon will be at perigee, the closest point to us on this orbit."