Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Karaoake Star is Created

On our recent Disney cruise, our 7-year-old son sang karaoke for the first time. He chose "YMCA" by the Village People. He didn't do too terribly - rather monotone, but you could hear him and he sang most of the words on tempo. The rest of the room was getting into it by performing the actions to the song. After it was finished, he gave a sweeping bow. He told me he really enjoyed it.

"It's so easy - did you know they have a tv with the words on it?" he said.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Presidential Election, First Grader style

My oldest son today told me he has switched his vote. "I'm no longer for Barack Obama," he said. "I am voting for McCain."

When asked why, he said, "The Kids' Pick Poll shows Obama as winning. But he's just going to make us kids pay more taxes."